We had our first date at Flatstik Pub in Spokane which consisted of mini golf, duffle board, and lots of laughter. We shared our first kiss in a decorative golf cart, and it was there that "forever" would start.
In the months to follow our first date, it became clear that there are few loves like the one we share. We laugh, we cry, we pray, we adventure, we face fear, we embrace joy, we CHOOSE love, and above all, we do so as a team. This unity and understanding that love is a choice, led us to choose each other every day for the rest of our lives.
The day after our engagement, Michael received word that he is to be stationed in Aviano, Italy come fall of this year. As you can imagine, this came as a surprise and very quickly limited our options in terms of wedding planning. If we wanted to live in the same country, that is.
This news solidified our commitment to each other. As we continue to move through the processes of making major career changes, finishing a college degree, planning an international move, and wedding planning, we work to maintain a healthy and fulfilling relationship with God at the center. We couldn't be more excited to embark on this adventure as a team. At the same time, we cherish every "right now" as our relationship blossoms.
So Here's to us, to you, to God, and his always exciting plan!